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Emergency Dentistry in Richardson

Did you know that your dentist in Richardson is equipped with the know-how and tools to get you out of your next emergency? Your dental emergency, that is. Avoid the stress, expense, and hassle of unnecessary trips to the emergency room by calling Brick Row Dentistry the next time you or someone you love experience an issue with your teeth or gums. We’ve listed the most common situations we treat as emergencies below, with directions for what to do following each.

Dislodged Tooth

If a tooth has been dislodged or completely knocked out of the gum line, you need urgent attention. Teeth that remain out of the gum for longer than two hours are rarely successfully reattached. If the tooth is still present in the gum, gently try to work it back into place. Do not force the tooth. If it has been knocked out completely, gently rinse away any debris and try to store the tooth in its empty socket, the cheek, or in a cup of milk or water. Come into our office as soon as possible for prompt attention.


An aching tooth indicates decay or infection that has reached the interior, or the pulp of the tooth. Do not wait to contact your dentist, as an emergency root canal may be necessary for saving the tooth from extraction and relieving your pain. Quick treatment also prevents abscess, an infection which can quickly spread to other parts of the body and put your overall health in danger.

Sometimes, children complain of a toothache when something is lodged between their teeth. To determine if a large food particle is the cause of your little one’s ache, help her brush, floss, and rinse her teeth. If the ache persists, contact your dentist immediately.

Broken Tooth or Dental Work

If an unexpected injury leaves you with a broken tooth or dental work (like a filling, crown, or bridge), contact your dentist for an emergency appointment. Collect the larger pieces of a broken tooth for possible reattachment. It may be possible to temporarily hold pieces of a broken filling or crown together with toothpaste or a denture adhesive until you can reach your dentist’s office.

Stop the Bleeding and Swelling

You will likely experience bleeding and inflammation following a dental emergency. When it happens to you, apply firm pressure with a clean gauze or cloth to the wound. If bleeding does not stop or slow after 10 minutes, head to the emergency room. Apply an ice pack to the affected cheek to minimize swelling. Take an over-the-counter pain medication to reduce discomfort until you can reach your dentist’s office for emergency attention.

Don’t Panic: Brick Row Dentistry Is On the Case

Your emergency dentist in Richardson will never leave you waiting in pain. The next time you or someone you love has experienced a dental emergency, get in touch with our office as soon as possible for the urgent attention you need. Don’t dial 911 when something goes wrong with your teeth -- call us instead!